A Love Grows in Brooklyn

I’m going through some serious blogger’s block. Here I am trying to establish myself among the food writers of New York, and I let my blog go un-loved and un-updated for weeks at a time. ARGH (pulling my hair out)! Third quarter resolution: WRITE MORE POSTS!!! Somebody hold me to it, please.

I’m at work, trying to watch the Democratic debate for a good headline, while laughing at the article I have pinned to my cubicle. It’s called “It Only Tuesday?” and it’s from The Onion. “Millions of Americans were disheartened that it was, in fact, only Tuesday.” Oh sweet relief, I’m not alone. The fact that I have a Halloween party to attend tomorrow night is sort of helping to break up the week, but only sort of.

Meet the lovely Bailey and Bella that kept me company for two days in Brooklyn, or rather, their parents asked me to keep them company while they were out of town for a wedding. I’m normally not a fan of little dogs, having grown up with a grizzly golden retriever named Paddy and a Bernese mountain dog Toby, but I fell in love with these little charmers. Kudos to their parents for raising some civilized and well-mannered pups!

I have spent an embarrassingly small amount of time in Brooklyn, so when friends asked me to spend the weekend in their new apartment and watch their dogs I jumped at the chance. I treated it as if I was going on a mini-vacation. People at work noticed my pyramid of stuffed bags at my desk and asked if I was going away for the weekend. When I said yes, to Brooklyn, they laughed. But to me it was no laughing matter. I was going to stay in a foreign part of the city and make it my own for those 48 hours, and that I did.

I fell in love with the charming neighborhood of Carroll Gardens from the moment I emerged from the subway’s bowels. Beautiful townhouses and tree-lined streets abound, along with a quaint strip of bread shops, restaurants, boutiques and delis. I couldn’t get over how friendly everyone was, though maybe it was the happy dogs that invited the attention. I felt like I was in Carmel, Calif., or the Outer Banks– everyone stopped to say hello with a smile.

I didn’t eat any full meals in Brooklyn that weekend, except a flakey pain au chocolat from a French patisserie, some incredible olive bread from Caputo’s Bakery on Court Street and this sandwich. I was meandering through the streets of Carroll Gardens on Saturday trolling for a sandwich. Luckily, I was patient enough to find the perfect place, having walked in and out of a couple delis that weren’t cutting it. My discovery had no signs but white print out papers taped to the windows. I glanced at them a few times, made a mental note to myself after eating one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever tasted and have been flailing ever since to figure out the name of the place, until tonight.

Margaret Palca Bakes.

Why are you still sitting down? Get up! Go find this place! I eat a lot of turkey sandwiches. It’s one of my staples. If I find a good one, I don’t stray from it. One of my newfound favorites happens to be Santos’ at the work cafeteria, so if you’re hungry, maybe I’ll give you a guest pass and treat you to lunch. Having seen the picture of Margaret on the New York Magazine Web site, I now know that she was the one who made my sandwich with love and care and tons of flavor. It had the cranberry sweetness and mustard kick to please all your tastebuds. And the bread was even more fascinating. It was a cross between whole wheat focaccia and a kaiser roll. I picked up this small portion of pasta salad as well because I just can’t turn down a get-it-yourself salad bar.

Palca got her start in bakery items like cookies and muffins, and thank goodness she decided to give sandwiches a try. Palca rocks. And as my co-worker pointed out when I screamed with excitement that I found the name of this place, her pies do too. Now, if only Palca would cross the pond and feed us Manhattanites. Until then, I’ll just have to go visit Bailey and Bella, kidnap them for a stroll and order Palca’s turkey sandwiches in bulk.

210 Court St., near Warren St.


About Moni

Lover of life, singer of songs and soon-to-be creator of pretty things. I'm a former digital media editor who's launching a clothing line in 2018. When I'm not wife-ing and mom-ing, I'm walking the dog, drinking wine (or tequila) and planning future camping trips. And thrifting, binging on true crime shows, and wishing I was SUP-ing somewhere along the Pacific coast.
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4 Responses to A Love Grows in Brooklyn

  1. Danica says:

    If it is any motivation, I check your blog daily. I love the whole blog!!! Keep it up whether its once a day, week or month because I will keep reading.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Whose house did you stay at? It’s fun to get away, even if it’s not too far. Glad you had a yummy sandwich. I pretty much just long for bel air and take it away……Malibu

  3. Janice says:

    Ahhh goody — more posts from Mona (or so she promises). Most of the time I bore myself to death with my blog — but, I’m always inspired with your tantalizing tales of foods loved and not so loved. Don’t stop….

  4. Mona says:

    danica, i love you, you are adorable. thank you for your sweeter than sweet comment:) how are you?mal, hey girlie. friends of my roommates. a duke girl and her husband. aaaah, the days of belair. janice, how are you doing? i will try try try very hard to keep this updated, though i don’t know what you’re talking about. your blog is SO not boring.

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